Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I don't want to be afraid. Afraid of saying things that people don't want to hear. Afraid of loving things that people don't want to waste their time loving. Afraid of doing things that aren't the common things to do. I want to recklessly abandon all of that and do what ever I feel tugging at my heart strings. 

I want to unashamedly post pictures of the sunset just because they fill my heart with bubbles of joy that I can't explain. I want to unashamedly write long, deep posts full of abstruse and antediluvian words even if everyone thinks it odd. I want to say what I need to say even if no one is listening and no one cares. I want to go barefoot all summer even if I'm supposed to be an adult. I want to laugh at everything I find funny even if no one else laughs. I want to love people that no one else would consider loving. I want to read books none of my friends would read. I want to run a lot of miles even if people tell me I'm wasting my time. I want to go places others might find boring, like museums and little old towns and nursing homes. Because I'm a sunset-posting kind of girl. A barefoot-running, laughter-loving, book-and-history-nerding, reckless-people-loving, logophile kind of girl. 
And if no one wants to hear that, I don't care. Because my Creator hears it. And He does care. And I can feel Him raising some mighty applause for me. And that, my friends, is all I need to keep on keeping on being me.

And just to prove I'll keep my word, here is a picture of the sun today that did indeed fill me with bubbles of indescribable joy: